Random Amusings

I like to write stuff. This is where I put some of it.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Container? I just met her!

Things I learned today:
1. The worst time to have a cute grocery cashier flirt with you is when there are 6 people behind you.
2. That guy behind me at Trader Joe's was a dick.
3. If a coffee shop is called AWAKEnings, you probably shouldn't trust the sign labeled "Decaf" [written begrudgingly at 1am]
4. Inertia applies to to-do lists, too.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

At least it wasn't the Jews

Britney and K-Fed have filed for divorce. Republicans were quick to blame this continued destruction of the marriage institution on the gays.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It was palpable

Last night in rehearsal there was mutual contempt coming from a few key members of our cast and our director. It might have been the first thing the cast and director have agreed on yet.

That Hurts

I have learned that there is no song in the world that can follow Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt" and seem the slightest bit appropriate. Least appropriate: Loveshack. Thanks for nothing, iTunes.